All individuals who intend to sponsor a night of Ramadan iftar should adhere to the following guidelines below:

A payment of $200.00 is required to cover the cost of supplies. These costs are in addition to the cost of food & preparation, which is paid separately at your own discretion.

The stated amount covers the following:

  1. Plates: Three-section plates, dessert plates, soup bowls, and take-away boxes
  2. Napkins, forks, spoons, and cups
  3. Floormats & plastic sheeting
  4. Drinks & beverages of milk, water, and juice are included.  Please do not bring soda; it is not only unhealthy, but creates filth in the masjid which is difficult to clean.

Requests for nights in Ramadan & the payment must be submitted directly via the form below at least 24 hours in advance.  Please fill out all information correctly and accurately, including your name. Slots are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

1 – View the calendar for available days.  If you’d like to exchange days with someone, please discuss it with the Executive Committee.

2 – Look for the day you want in the drop-down menu in the first block on the form.

3 – Fill out each blank with the appropriate information, and submit your request.

For general questions about the iftar program, contact Br. Azzam el-Gamil (Social Activities Coordinator).  Questions about the form should be directed to Abu Safiyyah (Secretary).  Contact us at