ISBC brothers and sisters Alsalamualikom, according to the Haramain Sharifain news, June 30 is set to be the first day…
Iternary For Saturday May 7th Celebration at ISBC After Zhuhr prayerEid Festival BeginsActivities: 1-INFLATABLE RIDES,2-GAMES,3- HENNA4-FACE PAINTING,5-BALLOONS,6-SNOW Cons7-BOUNCY HOUSE8-POPCORN,9-DRY slides10-INFLATABLE…
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاتهتنقل لكم اداره المركز الاسلامي لمقاطعه برفارد احر واسمى التبريكات بمناسبه حلول عيد الفطر السعيد لعام…
Salaamu alaykum and Eid Mubarak! Here’s an itenerary for this year’s Eid activities: Monday May 2nd, 2022 at Melbourne Auditorium8:00A…